More Climate Alarmism
WMO and their 'red alert'! Carbon continues to be the enemy and real issues of the environment continue to be ignored.
I was a long time climate change ‘believer’. I am now called a climate denier. (how does one do that??). I went to school for Environmental Policy (and Economics) and I truly thought we were impacting the weather so much so that we would over heat and all die. That myth is still going on and pushed even harder, and has gotten a lot of steam behind it. (see what a did there?)
We know that our affect on the earth isn’t nothing. We certainly have messed things up from the chemicals in agriculture, emissions from manufacturing, chemicals in food, pharmaceuticals in the water among other things. The FDA keeps approving new chemicals all the time… know, the GRAS where they are ‘general regarded as safe’ and used anyway, while the manufacturer braces for law suits and ducks and weaves while the lawyers and judicial systems as well as the government itself protect them, drag out lawsuits, and leave people sick and fighting for their lives. I know such a man. A longtime lymphoma sufferer who is part of the Monsanto lawsuit and has since had a resurgence of the cancer since his COVID injection. He was on the mend, kind of. He was maintaining his health with food, herbs, and supplements, but suffered from skin cancer in a bad way….I mean it was all over his arms having to do chemo creams several times since I have known him. Nasty stuff. Regardless of the ongoing litigation surrounding glyphosate you can still buy it. Right. Glyphosate should have never even gone on the market but SCIENCE allowed it. I mean scient-ism.
The point is, we are certainly having an affect on our environment, but the narrative, the messaging is ALWAYS about carbon. Not any of the other chemicals. Do people even know Monsanto is being sued again for billions?? But they sure know about their carbon footprint. It’s like counting calories at this point. Is there an APP for that?
I have done a ton of soul searching, researching, watching, listening, etc, and have concluded that while we ARE going through a warming period, I am not at all convinced it’s an emergency or that it is a bad thing at all. What IS bad is the continual pollution of our environment and ignoring basic tenants of what the environmental movement was all about, protecting our body’s, our land, our water, air, and soil. Not from carbon, but from synthetic CHEMICALS. It’s worse than ever.
This report below completed by the World Meteorological Organization (yes, this organization exists…..climate cartel is what we need to call them) was just given to me by someone called “Science isn’t dogma” ←——- IRONY - the climate cartel is clearly a cult with a cult following. People literally think the earth will warm beyond the point of no return and we will all die of heat and be swallowed up by the oceans. Where exactly do they get this information? Honestly, how is it the earth would do that? Cow farts and cars? I have a problem with this mentality for a few reasons. For one, the earth: Gaia, has not existed this long, been pummeled by meteors, through major volcanoes, dinosaur flatulence (umm, helloooooo?) and other cataclysms, you think humans could destroy her? How arrogant to say the least, and again, humans do not give other life forms enough credit (nor do modern humans give ancient humans much credit, but I digress. That’s my next post!)
So I’m beginning to read this monstrous report, and the first few paragraphs I am already highly skeptical because again, they use modeling to determine our fate. MODELING. Computer models of run-a-way warming. New and ‘improved’ modeling. yay! Carbon beyond our control. Glacier melting at the highest rate ever recorded! Garbage in, garbage out I say. We do not know all the ways climate works, let alone all the ways the earth sequesters carbon, and other gases. Seeking a balance, that is what our Mother does, she seeks balance. It’s evident everywhere. The cycles of life ebb and flow; the pendulum swings constantly with Gaia at the wheel. None of this is taken into account in its entirety. The report graphs also show changes ‘relative to normal’. I don’t like that either. Many do this….I want real data, not relative data. Statistics are easily manipulated if you don’t see raw data.
Boston Globe reports on this alarmism. Doesn’t this picture look like something from a movie? I believe media (with directives from their overlords) have been programming people for decades to accept this kind of propaganda as fact.
There is a measured conversation we CAN have on this topic, but not with the climate cartel. Their posse has been forming for decades as we have all been peppered with this topic everywhere. It’s integrated into almost everything we see, do, and are involved with. TV shows and movies, government, organizations all over…it’s so insidious! Many just get on this band wagon like it’s fact. I was watching a movie with my family the other night, I don’t remember what movie, that actually stated as they were scanning this new planet they wanted to land on that the CO2 was too high, they would die if they landed on it if they didn’t use masks. How high does CO2 have to be for us NOT to be able to breathe? This is the stuff that indoctrinates the mind by continually making references to it. I see the same thing with fat and cholesterol. If one more person on a show says to stop eating butter because it will give them a heart attack, I may bust a gasket.
Of course the climate alarmism is well-funded with US tax dollars. I don’t know about you, but I am sick of tax money being pilfered from us to go to corporate welfare programs like ESG, DEI, and ‘climate awareness and mitigation’ that quite literally allow them to keep polluting! Carbon credits are a distraction. Our government is out of control and clearly captured by monied interests and those interests are not about your health, the environment, or any other pretty window dressing they put on it. There is a lot of money in climate change and where there is money involved, there is corruption. The environmental movement is a good thing, but has been co-opted by corporate interests. That’s pretty much it. When I ask these supporters of ‘the climate’ they seriously don’t think it makes people money. ugh. And do people realize that if it weren’t for this warming trend for the last 10,000 years literally helped us to survive? (to an extent anyway, since we know human species have been around much longer, we are talking millions of years)
A common response from these people is: “are you a scientist”. I laugh. I say ‘are YOU?” It’s irrelevant. So now we just listen and don’t think for ourselves. PERFECT.
The Highwire interviewed a few people the last few weeks and Judith Curry was one of them. Listen to her segment. It’s refreshing.
This is her website/blog. It’s good stuff. She talks of the comeback of the hockey stick graph used by Al Gore during his climate movie Indecent Proposal? Oops, no, I mean Inconvenient Truth.
Look at this article from Newsweek…’s not like this stuff isn’t out there. Do a search on it…..there are many articles of dissent, but not a seat at the table.
I like this website for historical graphs.
This interview on the Highwire with Jim Lee was refreshing also. What I liked about this interview the most is he takes the crazy out of the conversation. It’s about geoengineering, not just the global warming thing…. There is too much crazy in many of these conversations. We need provable facts, not innuendo and illogical conclusions. For instance Morgelon’s…..some say this is coming from the sky. HOW? We then drink the rain water and ingest filaments? In my experience it’s more related to Lyme Disease than geoengineering. Peppering us with viruses? Viruses can’t live outside a host, so there’s that. Remember, well-meaning issues like geoengineering are co-opted by paid people to create chaos, ridiculous scenarios and conclusions that purposely obfuscate, disenfranchise, and delegitimize real concerns and facts. I am seeing it all over the place with the health freedom movement and honestly, I think TOO MANY follow along with a contrarian view just because it contrarian! There are many examples, but in particular the ‘viruses don’t exist’ crowd. This is a classic example of infiltrate and blow up a movement from the inside. Infighting ensues and bam: a distraction and the ability of MSM to attach the whole topic to this. It’s not anything new. It’s how those in control KEEP control. This mind control, social engineering goes back a loooong time, they know what they are doing. Rules of thumb: divisive talk. If people come on the scene and start pointing fingers and accusing a person of something using black and white thinking and asks you to choose sides, think about the source. Us vs them mentality is a form of propaganda. They need to teach this stuff in school, but if they did, perhaps we wouldn’t have such an impressionable citizenry believing whatever authoritarians tell them. QUESTION EVERYTHING. Even The Highwire! And yes, especially TRUMP. There are no saviors.
One other thing about the climate change/global warming narrative, is there is no wiggle room for dissenting voices, not even a slight modification of it. It should be a clue to people who believe in this human global warming perspective that those having even a slightly different view are defamed and demoralized. This has gone on a loong time with science. I am delving into anthropology lately and it’s the same thing! The Afro-centric narrative that humans come from Africa and spread out throughout the world is bunk. Did you know that? DNA shows us modern humans did not come from Africa, and then interbred with other types of humans to make the modern populations. That is one good thing DNA has contributed to this world. I will post about this at some point, but it’s mind blowing stuff. To think our human history is being subverted…..WHY? It can’t all be egos.
So to sum up, the earth is a living, breathing organism and has withstood many events that would have changed the environment, the climate, and the topography of the continents in a way humans could never accomplish. She is resilient and has ways beyond human knowledge to survive. While polluters pass around fake carbon credits, they continue to pollute the environment with chemicals that cause REAL problems that could be mitigated, but you can’t make money from that apparently. Real problems and real solutions are being subverted and ignored while carbon becomes the enemy, a very needed and literal component of life. Try to build life without carbon, I dare you.
The earth has been MUCH warmer than today AND sustained life, HUMAN life.
Carbon does not change temperature and it appears to be the reverse.
We have had MUCH higher carbon on earth than now.
We have been warming gradually since the last ice age. This latest report will have you believe that we are warming faster than EVER. That is a lie. The hockey stick graph is a lie. See Judith’s page.
We are going into a solar minimum. That means our sun is getting cooler, which usually means a cooler trend in the near future for us.
There are pyramids and other artifacts below the oceans along the coasts of many continents indicating life prior to the melting of the last ice age. Why is this hidden from us? (or at least not talked about) This proves the seas were more shallow and it was colder than now indicating the cycles of earth. She is always changing and adjusting.
Sara Woods Kender
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